How did I do?

I dont think I did bad. I got a solid score of 44/50. Here's the ss.

What do I need to improve on?

First things first, I only guessed on one of the questions and I got it wrong. Anyways, these are the things I need to improve on:

- behavior of code that multiplies inside a loop
- Purpose of internet protocols (the one I guessed on)
- Relationship between the internet and World Wide Web
- put binary and decimal numbers in order
- implementing and applying an algorithm
- list indices

How did I go wrong?

  1. I didn't read the problem correctly for this question.
  2. I was absent the day we reviewed this
  3. I was absent the day we reviewed this
  4. I was absent the day we reviewed this
  5. I got half of the question right. I didn't pick the 2nd option because I misread the problem
  6. Poor understanding of lists

Next steps?

I will fully read the problems and make sure I understand what EXACTLY is being asked of me. I will also make sure to review topics that I was absent for. For the lists, I will review Collegeboard skill 3.A in order to improve.