import getpass, sys

print('Hello, ' + getpass.getuser() + " running " + sys.executable)
print("You will be asked three questions.")

# quiz render function
def quiz():

    guesses = []
    correct_guesses = 0
    question_num = 1

    for key in questions:
        print(" ")
        for i in options[question_num-1]:
        guess = input()
        guess = guess.upper()

        correct_guesses += check_answer(questions.get(key), guess)
        question_num += 1

    display_score(correct_guesses, guesses)

# checks if the answer is correct or not
def check_answer(answer, guess):

    if answer == guess:
        return 1
        return 0

# takes the number of correct guesses and divides it by the questions to display score
def display_score(correct_guesses, guesses):
    print(" ")
    print(" ")

    score = int((correct_guesses/len(questions))*100)
    print("Your score is: "+str(score)+"%")

# questions formatted into a dictionary for ease of access
questions = {
    "What command is used to include other functions that were previously developed?" : "A",
    "What command is used to evaluate correct or incorrect response in this example?" : "C",
    "Each 'if' command contains an '_________' to determine a true or false condition?" : "B"

# answers formatted into options that are in a double list
options = [["A. import", "B. libraries", "C. do it yourself", "D. cheat"],
          ["A. else", "B. boolean", "C. if", "D. for"],
          ["A. answer", "B. expression", "C. diet coke", "D. function"],


Hello, adduser running /home/adduser/anaconda3/bin/python
You will be asked three questions.
What command is used to include other functions that were previously developed?
A. import
B. libraries
C. do it yourself
D. cheat
What command is used to evaluate correct or incorrect response in this example?
A. else
B. boolean
C. if
D. for
Each 'if' command contains an '_________' to determine a true or false condition?
A. answer
B. expression
C. diet coke
D. function
Your score is: 100%

Extra credit:

Yes I saw the repeating patterns of code. It was the checking answer part. I put the questions into a dictionary and put the options into a list. This allowed me to get the corerct answers and check it efficiently (by appending the key and values). I also made it so that the next question appears after you answer the previous one.