Algorithmic programming beginning

- code code code
- need data for algorithmic programming
- Mr. Mortensen will teach the data
- Students will teach the algorithms

what will we be working on?

- first 4-5 weeks of the project we will be building skills for AP testing and skills in general
- learning about data
- then learning about algorithms
- frontend: focus on javascript
    - you can put code in the markdown file

For issues

- look at slack 


We are more prepared than 90% of the people

- We (californians) have all the resources we would want

how to be succesful

- start with the little ideas
- be prepared to put in the work! You wont be rich just like that!


- before the end of the trimester...
    - create performance task will be completed
    - read the create performance task rules
    - make sure you understand the rules and ask the teacher if there are any questions

collegeboard expectations

- do beyond what they ask for