notes about the speaker i guess

She completed her degree in applied physics from CSUSM and is working towards her phd. CSUSM offers tons of support for failures.

More about CSUSM

  • national leader in social something economy
  • a lot of renovations and additions being added to the university
  • a lot of opportunities around the university
  • offers a lot of opportunities for computer science


You gotta network and get your name out there. CSUSM has a lot of opportunities for internships. There are a lot of paid internships. Unpaid internships should generally be avoided.

Research Programs

  • There is a summer scholars program. You get to do research with a scholar and you also get paid.
  • quantum bridge program: 4 week program where you get to work with a professor and do research. You also get paid.
  • other research programs for biology, chemistry, physics, etc.

College payment and whatnot

  • CSUSM has a lot of scholarships and grants.

    • grant is money you don't have to pay back and usually given by the government
    • a scholarship is money you don't have to pay back and usually given by the university
  • College debt is a big problem. You should try to avoid it as much as possible.

  • loans are a last resort.
  • 18 year olds should consider applying for fafsa.
  • fafsa is a government program that helps pay for college.


We made some sort of hexbot. We took a vibrating motor and then attached it to a toothbrush. This made the tooth brush scuttle around.

