How did I do?

I got a 45/50. Just on the mark for .9+

Where did I go wrong?

I got 5 questions wrong in total. The main reason I got them wrong is because I wasn't paying full attention.

Looking over the test, I noticed that I have good foundations in Skills 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x. I need to work on 1.x. I did get question 15 wrong which covers 4.B, but I think that it was just a careless mistake. I don't remember the exact reason why. I will watch the AP video on 3.6 (which covers skill 4.B). The other big mistakes I did were on 1.D. I got 3 questions wrong on that skill. I will watch the AP videos on units 3.16, 3.17, and 3.7. This covers the stuff that I got wrong on the MCQ. I noticed that I have a common trend of getting boolean questions wrong. I need to review that skill and will most likely look back at the student taught lesson on that unit. I will also need to review the Heuristic method. Again, it covers the skill 1.D and the resources for that are the 3.17 Daily videos.

Overall, I think that I did pretty well. I will need to review the skills that I got wrong and watch the AP videos on those units. I will also need to review the Heuristic method and boolean questions.