
For the front-end I am using fontawesome for icons. I am planning on implementing react for better ui development, but I am currently focused on making the features work.

The current plan for the design of the frontend (for the login) has been completed. I am currently working on the backend for the login.

The authentication will have a login form, and a signup form. The login form will have a username, email, and password field, and a submit button. It will also have the option of authenticating through google. The signup form will have a username, password, email, and confirm password field, and a submit button. The signup form will also have the option of authenticating through google.

Future features:

The login form will have a link to the forgot password form, and the forgot password form will help the user get their password or update their password. The forgot password form will have a username field, and a submit button. The user associated with the given username will then be emailed for further instructions