So... How far did we get?

Well, we did make a general plan for our website. Instead of normal, boring old css, we will be using SASS. I thought this would have been a useless little coding thing, but the more I use it, the more I start to love it. So far we have used the import function to import a font, mixin to create a function with display flex that aligns items and justfiies content to center. I have also used variables to set some of the base colors of the website. For the html: I have a very crude navbar. It will get better each day, well, my plan is to finish it by tuesday.

Here are the general plans for this week:

This week I will:- assign each member a topic to plan out for our website- stop experimenting with md files and make a index.html for our website

  • make more developments toward the home page
  • start on the sub-pages
  • do some reserach on wearable integration and blog in detail about how we will use it
  • learn general html shortcuts to make development faster
  • improve my SASS skills